Tag: Books

  • Showing Up

    Showing Up

    I prefer to read non-fiction. There is usually no gripping story or hook that turns pages for me. Also, I am a slow reader. However every time I pick up my Kindle, I typically read 2% of the book I am reading. It doesn’t matter what time of the day or how I am feeling.…

  • 5 Good Books I Read In 2013

    I was obsessed with reading in high school. I have read every one of those Hardy Boys hard cover novels that was out there at that time. I lost this obsession while I was in college. However, recently I have managed to bring it back to life. Biographies and Travelogues replaced Novels and Fiction. This…

  • Book Recommendation : Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell

    Its been a while since I read my last book and this one, Outliers came heavily recommended. The book starts with a definition of what an Outlier is: Out-li-er something that is situated away from our classed differently from a main or related body. a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the…

  • Finally I feel that I am off the RAT-RACE

    Last day, I was at cochin with my friend @Zeqox and I heard him saying to a friend of mine (@Rajeshtaracad) that I was now off the framework, out of my comfort zone. Thats when I realized that I was off the rat race, and that moment just felt awesome.

  • iCon: The Story of Apple, NeXT and Pixar

    iCon is a biography of Steve Jobs and tells the story of his journey with Apple, NeXT and Pixar. I was expecting to read more about Steve Jobs, the man, but it turned out to be more about Jobs as a Entrepreneur with flashes into his personal life here and there.